
Lucy’s Project Conference 2024

2024 Online Conference

Wednesday 16th October – Thursday 17th October 

Learn from leading Australian and international researchers and practitioners about:

Emerging and better practice in supporting people and animals experiencing domestic and family violence.
Different ways that human and animal services and law enforcement can support and protect people and animals.
How the safety of people and animals is interconnected and why it's important to enable people and animals to heal and recover together.

2024 Conference Program






Monique Dam, Lucy’s Project


Acknowledgement of Country

Monique Dam, Lucy’s Project


How is the safety and wellbeing of people and animals interconnected?

Talie Star, Consultant in Trauma, Recovery, Domestic and Family Violence, Homelessness and Disability


What is the research telling us about violence against family animals in the context of intimate partner violence?

Kylie Butler, Australian Institute of Family Studies

Jasmine MacDonald, Australian Institute of Family Studies


How can domestic and family violence services support people and animals to be safe together?

Jess Wilson, Safe & Equal VIC

Angie Piubello, Beryl Women’s Refuge

Julie Chapman, Pet Refuge NZ

Shelley Booth, DVNSW


What are the linkages between animal abuse, domestic violence and sexual offending?

Kristin Diemer, Melbourne University





How can domestic and family violence services become animal inclusive and what are the benefits for women, children and animals?

Billie-Jo Williams, Ngarrunga Refuge and Link Wentworth

Maria Losurdo – The Women’s Cottage


How can we support LGBTQ people and animals experiencing domestic and family violence?

Damien Riggs, Flinders University

Nik Taylor, University of Canterbury

Heather Fraser, Queensland University of Technology


Screening of the documentary ‘Refuge: A Duty to Care’

Annie Goldson ONZM, University of Auckland

Alex Reed, Bloom Pictures

Erin Roberts, Pet Refuge NZ


What can governments do to enhance the safety and wellbeing of people and animals experiencing domestic and family violence?

The Hon. Jodie Harrison MP, Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Member of the Australian Labor Party

The Hon. Leslie Williams MP, Shadow Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Member of the Liberal Party

The Hon. Emma Hurst MLC, Member of the Animal Justice Party

Ms Abigail Boyd MLC, Member of the Greens

Senator Mehreen Faruqi, Senator for NSW, Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens

The Hon. Ron Hoenig MP, Minister for Local Government, Member of the Australian Labor Party

Dr Hannah Tonkin, NSW Women’s Safety Commissioner


Wrap Up

Monique Dam, Lucy’s Project






Monique Dam, Lucy’s Project


Acknowledgement of Country

Monique Dam, Lucy’s Project


“Protecting woman’s best friend” – The impact of pet protection orders in the USA

Phil Arkow, National Link Coalition USA


What can governments do to enhance the safety and wellbeing of people and animals experiencing domestic and family violence?

The Hon. Justine Elliot MP, Assistant Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence, Member of the Australian Labor Party

Senator Kerrynne Liddle, Senator for South Australia, Shadow Minister for Child Protection and the Prevention of Family Violence, Member of the Liberal Party of Australia

Senator Larissa Waters, Senator for Queensland, Leader of the Australian Greens in the Senate, Member of the Australian Greens

The Hon. Madeleine Ogilvie, Minister for Women and the Prevention of Family Violence, Member of the Tasmanian Liberals

Micaela Cronin, Australian Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commissioner


How can animal welfare and veterinary services support animals and people experiencing violence?

Jacki Largo, Paws and Recover

Jayla Sainty, RSPCA Tasmania

Alicia Kennedy, Cherished Pets

Rochelle Paterson, University of Guelph


How can we recognise animals as victim-survivors in their own right?

Jane Kotzmann, Deakin University

Morgan Stonebridge, Deakin University





How can law enforcement respond to domestic and family violence perpetrated against people and animals concurrently?

Kathryn Jurd, RSPCA NSW

Ingrid Reilly, NSW Police Force

Demi Kuiters – Crime & Intelligence Command, Queensland Police Service


Rurality, domestic and family violence, and animal cruelty: A study of practitioner perspectives.

Bridget Harris, Monash University

Chloe Keel, Griffith University

Anna Eriksson, Monash University


What are the benefits of enabling people and animals to heal and recover from domestic and family violence together?

Jasmine Montgomery, James Cook University

Maree Kerr, Illawarra Women’s Trauma Recovery Centre

Talie Star, Consultant in Trauma, Recovery, Domestic and Family Violence, Homelessness and Disability

Megan Nutbean, Lort Smith Animal Hospital


Wrap Up

Monique Dam, Lucy’s Project

Meet our 2024 Conference Sponsors!

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