
First webinar for DFVA workers

First webinar for DFVA workers

On 30th June 2021 we were thrilled to deliver the first of our three part webinar training series, “Understanding animal abuse and DFVA”. We’d like to extend a big thank you to all who attended.


Lucy’s Project is proud to deliver this training online to reach a broad range of frontline service professionals across NSW, thanks to the generous funding of Women NSW, allowing us to expand our AWARE ARC program in regional, rural and remote areas of the state. AWARE ARC stands for Animal aWare Animal Ready in Emergencies, in Animal Ready Communities. The aim of the project is to empower communities to respond to the needs of people with animals experiencing domestic and family abuse.


In this first part of the series, participants were engaged throughout and shared insights, experiences and resources. It’s always so beneficial to us to hear case studies and stories from the frontline. We are particularly interested to hear from practitioners who have utilised or experienced change as a result of recent legislative reform to AVOs. We are always keen to hear about difficult or unique cases that were challenging, so we can set our minds to helping find workable solutions that may assist others into the future.



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