
Infographics / Posters / Flyers

5 Articles

Infographics / Posters / Flyers

Find downloadable materials, fact-sheets, information, videos, links to information repositories and links to services in the categories below. Please contact us if you’d like to add your resources to this site.

Lucy’s Project Donation Point

Download our donation point and use in your own fundraising initiative! Share with your work colleagues, put it up in your break room, hold a brunch! Help us keep our doors open. Thank you so much for your support!


A poster for professionals. Display this in your office or service to show DFV victim-survivors with animals that it’s safe to open conversations.

Components of Control Infographic

This poster details some common ways that perpetrators of family violence use animals to control human victim-survivors. You can download this poster to display in your place of work or practice.

The Link Factsheet and Poster

This poster outlines key facts and stats on the link between human and animal violence. You can download this resource to display in your service, to share with staff, or as a point of reference when explaining The Link.



Identify Domestic Abuse

Poster by Kyogle Family & Domestic Violence Working Group

Poster by Kyogle Family & Domestic Violence Working Group

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