
News / Media

29 Articles

News / Media

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Coercive control: The ‘worst part’ of domestic abuse is not a crime in Australia. But should it be?

Sometimes referred to as “intimate terrorism”, coercive control chips away at victims’ sense of safety and independence.

There’s no conflict between human and animal rights

New research shows that concern for suffering isn’t zero-sum

Fostering pets of domestic violence victims

Abusers often use pets to manipulate and control, and there’s the additional problem that few refuges allow pets. One charity in Adelaide is trying to address the issue.

When domestic violence arrives at the clinic door

How veterinary staff can respond to abused clients and patients

Pet care a comfort for family violence victims

CRISIS accommodation is now available for women, children and their pets fleeing family violence.

Animal Rights and Rescue boss stepping down after 18 years

A day in the office for Barbara Steffensen, the founder and CEO of the Animal Rights and Rescue Group.

How animal abuse can be a red flag for domestic violence

There are tell-tale signs that vets notice when pets are brought in with injuries.

Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence Resources

Amsterdam funds shelter for pets of domestic violence victims

Amsterdam has become the first major European city to publicly fund an animal shelter for pets belonging to victims of domestic violence.

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