
Submissions & Position Papers

3 Articles

Submissions & Position Papers

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Submission into Safe Places Emergency Accommodation Program – Inclusion Round

On 3 November 2022, the Federal Government announced $100 million over 5 years (2022-23 to 2026-27) to continue the Safe Places Emergency Accommodation Program (Safe Places) for women and children leaving family and domestic violence (FDV). The continuation will be known as the Safe Places Inclusion Round (Inclusion Round).  The Inclusion Round will focus on improving access to appropriate emergency accommodation for:

  • First Nations women and children;
  • Women and children from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds; and
  • Women and children with disability.


This submission was written in March of 2023 in response to the Government’s call-out for feedback into the Inclusion Round. As always, our submission focusses on factors to consider for victim-survivors with animals within the context of an intersectional framework for emergency housing.

Submission into Changes to Keeping Pets in Rental Homes in NSW

This submission was written in December of 2022 in response to NSW legislation changes which propose changes to keeping companion animals in rental properties.

Submission into the draft National Plan to End Domestic, Family, and Sexual Violence

This submission was written in February 2022 in response to the Federal Government’s request for feedback on their draft National Plan to End Domestic, Family, and Sexual Violence Against Women and Children in Australia.

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