
Support Services for Animals

11 Articles

Support Services for Animals

Find downloadable materials, fact-sheets, information, videos, links to information repositories and links to services in the categories below. Please contact us if you’d like to add your resources to this site.


RSPCA Community Domestic Violence Program
This community program was previously known as Safe Beds for Pets. For more information please contact the RSPCA Community Programs helpline (02) 9782 4408. The helpline operates Monday to Friday, 9am- 5pm. During weekends and public holidays contact the RSPCA Contact Centre on (02) 9770 7555.

Animal Welfare League
Report cruelty, surrender an animal, advocacy

Northern Rivers region

Animal Rights and Rescue Group
For surrender of animals and assistance in a domestic violence crisis, supported by Lucy’s Project.

Northern Rivers Animal Services
Northern Rivers Animal Services (NRAS) is a self-funded, not-for-profit, registered Charity that commenced in October 2001 to provide foster care and the opportunity to re-home the abandoned, abused, lost and unwanted dogs and cats in the Northern Rivers region of NSW.

Byron Dog Rescue

Animal Welfare League, NSW, Mullumbimby branch

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