
Aware ARC

11 Articles

Aware ARC, Infographics / Posters / Flyers

Find downloadable materials, fact-sheets, information, videos, links to information repositories and links to services in the categories below. Please contact us if you’d like to add your resources to this site.


A poster for professionals. Display this in your office or service to show DFV victim-survivors with animals that it’s safe to open conversations.

Complex Case Management with Animals Factsheet

This factsheet can assist human and animal services in their preparation to manage DFVA cases involving animals.

The Link Factsheet and Poster

This poster outlines key facts and stats on the link between human and animal violence. You can download this resource to display in your service, to share with staff, or as a point of reference when explaining The Link.



Hawkesbury Local Referral Pathways for People and Animals Experiencing Domestic and Family Violence

With funding from NSW Government and in-kind support from The Women’s Cottage, Lucy’s Project is proud to present this directory of animal services and crisis support services in the Hawkesbury region. This resource aims to assist workers and volunteers to support people and animals experiencing domestic and family violence and abuse.

Shoalhaven Local Referral Pathways for People and Animals Experiencing Domestic and Family Violence

With funding from NSW Government and in-kind support from South Coast Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services (WDVCAS), Lucy’s Project is proud to present this directory of animal services and crisis support services in the Shoalhaven region. This resource aims to assist workers and volunteers to support people and animals experiencing domestic and family violence and abuse.

Hawkesbury Local Referral Pathways for People and Animals Experiencing Domestic and Family Violence (print-friendly)

With funding from NSW Government and in-kind support from The Women’s Cottage, Lucy’s Project is proud to present this directory of animal services and crisis support services in the Hawkesbury region. This resource aims to assist workers and volunteers to support people and animals experiencing domestic and family violence and abuse.

This version is intended for printing.

Shoalhaven Local Referral Pathways for People and Animals Experiencing Domestic and Family Violence (print-friendly)

With funding from NSW Government and in-kind support from South Coast Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services (WDVCAS), Lucy’s Project is proud to present this directory of animal services and crisis support services in the Shoalhaven region. This resource aims to assist workers and volunteers to support people and animals experiencing domestic and family violence and abuse.

This version is intended for printing.

Dealing with resistance

Resistance is “any form of response that denies, challenges or undermines efforts” to prevent social change. Whilst it is inevitable, it can be helpful to be prepared. This fact sheet gives tips on how to respond to resistance.

What is an animal inclusive service?

Animals provide emotional support, unconditional love, and stability for many victim-survivors of domestic and family violence. This bond can be exploited by perpetrators, who may inflict or threaten harm to animals as a strategy to intimidate, coerce or control human victim-survivors. Having an animal inclusive practice validates the love and care that clients have for their animals and legitimises the human-animal bond. This fact sheet outlines how your service can be more animal inclusive.

Relevant laws

This fact sheet contains a summary of the laws and other codes that are relevant to people with animals who are in a family/domestic violence situation.

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